Anger Creates an Intellectual Struggle in Your Mind

The moment a person gets angry, he must make an effort to control it. Your mind will experience a perpetual struggle. This intellectual struggle is very important, otherwise the Creator would have not wanted it. This struggle is the greatest source of intellectual development. Intellectual development happens when there is a struggle in your mind. What will happen if your mind is stagnant, asleep and in a state of ease? There will be no intellectual struggle. Such a person will become intellectually dull.

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Surah Al-Imran of the Quran says: وَالْكَاظِمِينَ الْغَيْظَ وَالْعَافِينَ عَنِ النَّاسِ (3.134)  Those who restrain their anger and are forgiving towards their fellow men. This is something to think about because every human being gets angry, but humans have not created anger.  Anger is also a creation of God Almighty.  The Quran tells us that when you are angry, you should restrain your anger. The question is why did the Creator create anger at all? If God Almighty had not created anger, people would not have got angry. Thinking about this I realized that on the one hand, God created anger and on the other hand, He commanded humans to control their anger. This means that the Creator wants that there be a continuous struggle inside a person's mind. The moment a person gets angry, he must make an effort to control it. Your mind will experience a perpetual struggle. This intellectual struggle is very important, otherwise the Creator would have not wanted it. This struggle is the greatest source of intellectual development. Intellectual development happens when there is a struggle in your mind. What will happen if your mind is stagnant, asleep and in a state of ease? There will be no intellectual struggle. Such a person will become intellectually dull.

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